Canada History Week 2018: Science, Creativity and Innovation

Dr. Norman Bethune Henry Norman was influenced by his grandfather (whose profession in medicine he chose) and by his father (whose zest for hard work he shared). Even as a youngster, he stood out for his wide-ranging curiosity, his great interest in surgery, and his individualistic spirit. (Image Credit: Library and Archives Canada/MIKAN 3224432)

Dr. Irma Le Vasseur The first French-Canadian female doctor, she was also one of the very few female doctors of her era and was a pioneer in pediatric medicine . She devoted her life to sick children, founding major institutions that continued her work after her death. (Image credit: Le Vasseur during celebrations of her Golden Jubilee organized by the Cercle des femmes universitaires, 1950 (Archives de l’hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus). (Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, P655,S2,SS6,D8)

Founder and first director of the Montreal Neurological Institute, Dr. Wilder Penfield established the “Montreal procedure” for the surgical treatment of epilepsy.

Defining Moments Canada is hosting a National Commemorative Contest - “Recovering Canada” for schools, museums and local heritage groups to curate the best digital research projects honouring ‘micro-histories’

Canada. Submissions to contest will be judged by panel of experts, with Awards presented in May 2019. The Pandemic affected Canadians as much as did the First World War - time to ‘catch the Flu!’ (Image Credit: https:// gallery/ )

Centenary Commemoration of the Spanish Flu Pandemic in Canada 2018-19

of the Pandemic from communities across

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