Canada History Week 2020: Environmental History Learning Tool

EXPLORE PIMACHIOWIN AKI: 12 NAMED PLACES TO DISCOVER IN POPLAR RIVER FIRST NATION Each place in Pimachiowin Aki is known, understood, and named. Learning the names of places on the landscape imparts an intimate knowledge of the land, which is integral to survival. The First Nations of Pimachiowin Aki are creating maps of named places for their schools and community spaces. Learn more about the maps that help keep the language and stories of these places alive.

Poplar River First Nation Traditional Place Names provided by Poplar River First Nation Elders Norman Bruce, Albert Bittern, Abel Bruce, Paul Bruce and Ed Hudson. Photo courtesy of the Pimachiowin Aki Corporation.

Auyuittuq National Park in Baffin Island, Nunavut (Senorrojo/36340515/

Joey Angnatok, a community leader and fisherman from Labrador, adapted his boat into an offshore marine research vessel. For more than a decade, he and his crew on the MV What’s Happening have taken scientists to measure sea ice and study climate change while sharing traditional knowledge of Inuit communities.


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