Canada Past & Present


Eagle Feather The eagle feather is an important symbol to many First Nations in Canada. The eagle feather represents a connection to the Creator or Great Spirit. The eagle feather is often used in Indigenous ceremonies. It is an honour to receive an eagle feather.

Métis Nation Flag The Métis flag has a white infinity symbol on it. The infinity symbol represents Indigenous and European cultures joined together, and the Métis people living forever.

Inuksuk Inuksuk – a stone structure – are built by the Inuit. Inuksuk are a form of communication for the Inuit. They help with hunting, navigation, and they communicate messages. Some Inuksuk are created for spiritual reasons as well. Inuksuk are important to Inuit culture.

Image captions from top to bottom: Eagle feather (Dreamstime/Stefan Schug/1210645337). The Métis Flag (Dreamstime/Manon Ringuette/95119749). An Inukshuk (Dreamstime/Sophia Granchinho/62825962).


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