Canada Past & Present

WAR OF 1812 TO CONFEDERATION WORKSHEET Use this worksheet to complete Activity 6: Canada from the War of 1812 to Confederation , in the section ‘Before Confederation’ of Canada Past and Present: A Citizenship Education Guide . How and why did it happen? (2-3 key points) -British in North America began to see the Acadians as a threat. They believed they were loyal to France. -The British tried to force Acadians to swear an oath of allegiance to Britain. When/Where did it happen? -1755 and 1763 in what is now known as Atlantic Canada What happened? (2-3 key points) -At least 10,000 Acadians were forcefully deported from their homes. -Some landed in the English colonies, others in the Caribbean or France. - Thousands died during the voyage. Who was involved? (Key figures or general peoples) -The British Crown, British authorities and the Acadians (French people who had settled in what is now known as Atlantic Canada). Topic Example: The Acadian Deportation War of 1812




Province of Canada

(group activity only)

Underground Railroad (group activity only)

Black Enslavement in


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