Women in Canadian History Education Guide

Plaque on the exterior wall of L’École Polytechnique co m me morating the victi ms of the Montreal Massacre (courtesy wikico m mons/ Bobanny).

Explore the Montreal Massacre events and violence against wo men and girls. O n D ece m b er 6, 1989, a ma n e ntere d M o ntreal’s Éc ol e Polytec h ni q u e a n d s e parate d mal e a n d fe mal e students, shooting and killing14 wo men while screa ming“You are allfe minists.” Canadians were shocked and horrified, but where so me sa w only a crazedindividual gun man, othersidentifiedinstitutionalized anti-fe minis m and violence against girls and wo men. The bloodshed encouraged many to take this event, kno wn asthe Montreal Massacre, seriously as an expression of a wider proble m.In1991, Canada declared Dece mber 6 a National Day of Re me mbrance and Action on Violence Against Wo men. In your classroo m, you will create a me morial poster that honours victi ms and educates students about the continued reality of violence against wo men and girls.

3. Decide as a clas s what the mes and co mponents would be appropriate, and then create a poster using materials of your choice. 4. Conduct a gallery walk and debrief. Extension: Have a class discussion about misogynyin current events, addressing the e mergence of the # Me Too and #Ti mesUp move ments. Discuss what has changed and what has not.

1. As a class, watch the foll o wing vide o fro m the C B C Archives, htt ps:// w w w.youtu be.c o m/ watch?v=n dk w 0y K85z 4 , and read about the victi ms and survivors of the massacre at htt p:// w w w.cbc.ca/ montreal/features/re me mber-14/ and http:// montrealgazette.co m/ne ws/local-ne ws/polytechnique massacre-lives-forever-chan ge d . Read more about the events on The Canadian Encyclopedia andin mediareports. 2. Partner up to research the events. • What happened? • Why didit happen? Whatisthe context ofthis event? • Whyis this event historically signi fficant? » Ho w didthis eventresultin change? » Ho wisthis eventtoldto us? • Why did the Montreal Massacre produce such an over whel ming response? What diditreveal aboutthelargerissue of violence against wo men and girlsin Canadian society?


Courtesy Rise Up Fe minist Archive. riseupfe ministarchive.ca/culture/buttons/ stopviolenceagainst wo men/.

Write a ne wspaper exposéthat explores violence againstIndigenous wo men and girls. I n di g e n o us wo m e n are s u bj ect to hi g h er rates of g e n d er- bas e d vi ol e nce t ha n n o n-I n di g e n o us Canadians. 3 The severity ofthis violence,including physical and sexual assault as well as murder, only beca me visiblethrough exposés byIndigenous wo men activists andtheir alli es. By t h e b e gi n ni n g of t h e 21st c e nt ury, Ca na dia ns fac e d, as n ever b efor e, t h e nati o n’s funda mentalfailure of hu manrights. Exploringthe origins oftheseissuesis essentialif we ar e t o eli mi nate g e n d er- bas e d vi ol e nc e a n d f ul fill o ur h u ma n ri g hts c o m mit m e nts. Draft a n e ws pa p er ex p os é t hat ex pl or es t h e ori gi ns a n d p ersiste nc e of o n e fac et of violence againstIndigenous wo men and girls, and suggest measuresto wardits eli mi n ati o n. 1. C h o os e o n e of t h e foll o wi n g fac ets t o r es earc h: • The Root Causes of Violence » Considerthe underlyingfactors(colonialis m, govern ment policies such as t h e Indian Act ,thei mpact of Residential Schools andintergenerational trau ma, andinstitutionalizedracis m) • TheI m mediate Causes of Violence » C o nsi d er t h e syste mic s ocial, p olitical, ec o n o mic, a n d c ult ural c o n diti o ns (inadequate housing, poverty, accessto services,racis m, poorlevels of education,lo w e mploy ment andinco merates, etc.) • The Effects of Violence » Consider boththe direct andindirect consequencesforIndigenous wo men and girls

TearsIn Heaven by Tanisha Spotted Bull, 2017 (courtesyIndigenous Arts & Stories/ Historica Canada).

Potential sourcesfor yourresearchinclude: • The Truth & Reconciliation Co m mission of Canada • TheInquiryinto Missing & MurderedIndigenous Wo men & Girls • Native Wo men’s Association of Canada: Sistersin S pirit • Status of Wo men Canada • U NiTEto End Violence against Wo men 2. Your exposé shouldinclude a breakdo wn and a nalysis of yo ur res earc h, a n d five calls to acti o n. T hi n gs to c o nsi d er: • What doIndigenous wo men and girls haveto say a b out strate gies t o eli mi nate ge n der- base d vi ol e n c e ? • What rec o m men dati ons or strate gies c oul d hel p tackle t he tra ge dy?

3 http:// w w w.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85-002-x/2011001/article/11439-eng.ht m 10

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