Canada History Week 2019: Working for the Future

Canadian Heritage and its portfolio organizations play a vital role in the cultural, civic and economic life of Canadians. Arts, culture and heritage represent $53.8 billion in the Canadian economy and more than 650,000 jobs in sectors such as film and video, broadcasting, music, publishing, archives, performing arts, heritage institutions, festivals and celebrations.

The Canada History Fund supports the development of learning materials and activities that contribute to increasing Canadians’ knowledge about Canada. The fund aims to increase understanding of Canada’s history, stories, people and systems of government.

The Human Rights Program at Canadian Heritage coordinates discussions with provincial and territorial governments, through the Continuing Committee of Officials on Human Rights , to meet Canada’s reporting obligations under seven United Nations human rights treaties . The program also undertakes activities to enhance general awareness and understanding of human rights. For example, it provides access to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in various formats and promotes Human Rights Day on December 10 each year.

On behalf of the people of Canada, we protect and present nationally significant examples of Canada’s natural and cultural heritage, and foster public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment in ways that ensure their ecological and commemorative integrity for present and future generations.

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