Canada History Week 2019: Working for the Future


Canada History Week provides all Canadians with opportunities to learn more about the people and events that have shaped the great country that we know today. Canada is full of unique people, places and events. Canada History Week is a great time to discover them! Past themes included: • In 2014, Canada History Week had a different theme each day: Discovering our National Museums, Discovering our Historic Sites, and more; • In 2015, the theme was sport through history which connected with the Year of Sport in Canada; • In 2016, the theme commemorated the 100th anniversary of women’s first right to vote in Canada, and great women in Canadian history; • In 2017, the theme was Human Rights in Canada: Challenges and Achievements on the Path to a More Inclusive and Compassionate Society ; • In 2018, the theme was Science, Creativity and Innovation: Our Canadian Story .

CANADA HISTORY WEEK 2019 Working for the Future: a century of change in how Canadians work

The week will highlight labour history and changes in the workplace in Canada. Throughout the week, we will share inspirational stories and highlight great work being done in the history community. Canada History Week is one great way to highlight the importance of the past in guiding our civic and public participation. WANT TO SHARE ONLINE? Post photos, videos and messages and take part in the discussion using the hashtag #HistoryWeek2019

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