Canada History Week 2021: Indigenous History Learning Tool


Is there someone in your community who is working hard to research, share, and showcase Canadian history? The Governor General’s History Awards celebrate individuals and organizations who champion a deeper understanding of our past. Nominations and applications are accepted year-round in five categories: • Community Programming • Museums • Popular Media • Scholarly Research • Teaching Canada’s National History Society is pleased to administer the Governor General’s History Awards with the support of the Government of Canada and in partnership with the Canadian Historical Association and the Canadian Museums Association.

Maureen Matthews and David Swanson represent Spirit Lines: Manitoba Museum Northern Outreach Project, winner of the 2017 Governor General’s History Award for Excellence in Museums: History Alive! Courtesy MCpl Vincent Carbonneau, Rideau Hall © OSGG, 2017.

Rob Imrie, Sarah Pashagumskum, and Chantal Mianscum represent the Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institute, winner of the 2018 Governor General’s History Award for Excellence in Museums: History Alive! Courtesy Matea Tuhtar.

Visit for more information.

The Promise of the Future: Canada’s first Indigenous Governor General sees history education as the key to unlocking a better future.


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