Canada History Week 2021: Indigenous History Learning Tool

INDIGENOUS LEADERS CHIEF JOE CAPILANO (S7ápelek) was a Squamish Nation member and became one of the most influential Indigenous leaders in British Columbia in the late 19th and early 20th century. He is best known as a dedicated campaigner for Indigenous rights and title and an advocate for the retention of Indigenous cultures. Video Scriptwriter & Director: Stefany Mathias is an actor/filmmaker with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of British Columbia in Theatre. Stefany attended the Vancouver Film School for filmmaking. Originally, she began directing to cast herself in her films. However, once she took on the role of director, she began to do it for the passion of storytelling and sharing information.

Video Illustrator: SJ Okemow is a multidisciplinary artist of Nehiyaw and Eastern European descent. Her work and practice have focused on the unseen, using her background in physiology as a gateway into animation and image making. She has a BSc and an MSc, and is currently pursuing her PhD looking at visual aesthetics in medicine.

ELDERS are respected individuals who play key roles in Indigenous communities. They are important knowledge keepers, and they also help to ensure cultural continuity. As living connections to the past, Elders serve as teachers, healers, advisors, and counsellors. Learn more about Indigenous Elders in Canada.

Isadore Charters, an Indigenous artist, Elder, and residential school survivor shared his story with students at Simon Fraser University in 2013. Courtesy Simon Fraser University/Flickr.

Chief Joe Capilano. Courtesy Wikimedia Commons.


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